Follow the pain?!

While appreciating where the horse, or human is sore, instead of focussing on individual parts of the body, we have to observe how it is, or isn’t functioning as a whole.

The biggest delay in any healing process, horse or human, is when we compartmentalise the body.  It doesn’t exist or work that way. We are not robots.

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” - Aristotle

There will be areas within the kinetic chain / body which are weak and prone to tension. These can be caused by; repetitive micro traumas throughout life, direct traumas in one instance, specific hereditary conformation, and/or previous injuries.  All of which predispose specific areas of the body to the stress and demands placed upon it.  This is why so much can be missed when looking solely through the magnifying glass. 

By focussing on balancing the whole body - human and horse, ultimately, we are going to make them feel better (less pain), heal faster (less interference), and function more optimally (by allowing them to distribute force better in a balanced body).


Proprioceptive Exercises