Frequently Asked Questions..

  • A gentle specific input introduced to the body with the aim of restoring a state of optimal function, thus allowing your body the ability to reach its full potential. Various techniques are utilised, all relative to how, and where your body is storing tension.

    Think of an ‘adjustment’ as a reorganisation of disrupted energy within the body to ensure there is no communication ‘breakdown’ stopping it from thriving.

  • The body’s propensity to survive is amazing! However, once stored, tension reduces our body’s capacity and resources for adapting to further stress from our environment. Our energy is used up working around these tension patterns and our vitality, wellness and health is diminished. Messages travelling to and from the body to be exaggerated, misread, or lost altogether. If these patterns persist skeletal and muscle imbalances develop, organ function and nerve system adaptability is affected and chronic health problems develop.

  • Chiropractic in it’s purest form doesn’t ultimately deal with ‘fixing’ problems; but rather improves the overall function of the human body, thus leading to a body free from dysfunction. Essentially it is about creating an environment within the body where the body can thrive as it was naturally designed to do.

    Everyones healing journey is unique. How one person progresses through care can be very much different to the next. This largely depends upon the lifestyle stressors you have in your life. This is why at Outspoken Chiropractic we go into great depths in our initial consultation to uncover the things that you may already be doing (or could be doing) to speed up, or slow down your progress.

    That being said, how long it takes to resolve your issue does depend on what your problem is, how long it has been there for and how far you’re willing to go to improve your health and wellbeing.

  • Stress that has an adverse effect on our health can be broken down into three sub-categories;

    Physical: posture, repetitive motions, past/current injuries, pregnancy etc..

    Chemical: diet, environmental toxins (occupational, living), smoking etc..

    Mental/Emotional: finances, occupation, relationships, study etc.

    Whats vitally important to note about lifestyle stressors is their accumulative nature!

  • No. Your comfort and experience with us is our number one priority. People describe us as gentle chiropractors as we use a range of techniques varying from light touch to gentle manual adjusting.

  • When your body starts to work together, your whole life can change. People often notice that once they start care at Outspoken Chiropractic they sleep better, have more energy, resistance to colds and flus increase, as well as many other positive changes.

    Ultimately, as you connect to the tension in your body and release it, you will start to feel change within your body. Everyone’s healing journey is different so what happens in your body as we work with it will be completely unique to you, and is based in your unique experiences in life. If, for example your tension is associated with stress of an emotional nature, it is not uncommon for that emotion to be released (i.e. laughing, crying, anger), in fact we encourage this. Its all a way of the body working out what is stored up!

  • If the time of day and weather allows it we encourage you to park a short distance from the practice. This allows your body the chance to move and adapt, both before and following an adjustment. The body LOVES to move. By moving you help the body make all its own adjustments.

  • Yes you can. ACC covers part of the visit cost making regular sessions just $45

  • No, we like to provide you with the tools necessary to grow your health moving forward after the initial phase of care. That been said, we have many members of our practice that like to come in for regular checks just to make sure they are at their best, and because it makes them feel and function better. We check each other and our families on a regular basis because we know the benefit in doing so

  • Because philosophies and practices vary so much from practitioner to practitioner within each profession, you maybe be best to ask a few practitioners from each of the three fields and then make your mind up! Here is our best go at describing the differences as we see it.

    Our understanding is that osteopaths tend to be a little more therapeutic and the underlying philosophy is to get improved blood flow to maximise function. They classically use longer levered manipulations resulting in more global mobilization of joints. Osteopaths study for 5 years so they are well studied and great at what they do!

    Our understanding of physiotherapy is that therapists tend to work with injuries and soft tissues. Because they are so good at rehabilitation, we often recommend con-current care if anyone in our practice sustains an injury. Don’t get us wrong, chiropractic is vitally important when going through the healing process (as are many other things!). Physiotherapists study for 4 years undergraduate, and many go on to specialise in specific areas of the body, so they also are well studied and great at what they do!

    Chiropractic is something a little bit different. Because our main focus is the nervous system and making sure that bodies are well-connected, it has an influence over all the bodies systems – including blood flow, injury recovery, injury prevention, the muscular system… all the systems!

    Chiropractors study for 5 years and tend to use specific adjustments using short levers to make simple and effective positive shifts to body. The aim of the game is to aid the body in it’s communication process. Everyone, no matter age, stage or current level of health benefits from chiropractic

  • We want all of the people that come through our doors to understand this concept. Our bodies are very efficient and complex, self regulating organisms that have fantastic healing capabilities. They just need to be in the right environment.

    To put our bodies in the best environment to heal and perform at their best, we just need to choose to do more things that grow our health than things that deplete it, most of the time.

    So wellness, or holistic health is simply an all-factors-considered approach to growing your health, from the inside out