What Makes Us Different?

A primary drive at Heal is to understand the ‘Why’.

Contrary to popular belief your body is not working against you.   Signs, symptoms, aches and pains are not random.  Your body is communicating with you – trying to raise awareness that change is needed somewhere;

  • Postural alignment

  • Food intolerances

  • Toxicity level loading

  • Past Trauma Processing

  • Improved thoughts

  • Increased flexibility / mobility

  • Emotional processing

  • Increased strength and stability

  • More/less rest

  • More/less movement…….

What are the contributing factors within your lifestyle that are driving you away, instead of toward, optimal performance?  Just as much as you, we want to avoid the ‘revolving door’ syndrome, and are not focussed on patch-fixing.  Without understanding the contributing factors, progress can be slow, partial, and/or incomplete.

The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result, therefore in order to end up with a different result there needs to be change.

During your initial consultation we’ll take an ‘inventory’ on the stress parameters that surround your life – the physical, chemical, and mental/emotional.  We’ll discover all the good things you are currently doing which are already helping you, and other things which could be improved upon which are holding you back from performing the way you want to be.

The road to your health goal(s) is entirely in your control.

Everyone’s path is paved differently.  If you chose not to make changes, or feel you are unable to for whatever reason, it is entirely fine by us.  We only go to this length to give you all the tools to help you achieve your health goals as fast as possible!

What we want in life is to ensure that our lifestyle stressors are positively geared. In that way we will always be evolving toward the higher functioning level of life’s spectrum.  When things are negatively geared, evolution becomes tough.  The human body loves to evolve; hence we are faced with a lot of the same obstacles in life until we overcome them.

Our goal is to make that journey as smooth and as quick as possible, and to move you from a paradigm of simply ‘surviving’ in life to one of ‘thriving’ – because there is a major difference!