How & Why…


With a grounding in chiropractic, Harley utilises various techniques, and draws from a number of various healing modalities in his tailored approach to helping with each individual. Providing care anchored within the tonal / lighter input end of the care spectrum, to the more manual therapies. A guiding principle to use as little, or as much information / input needed to help bring about the most profound change.

“If over a decade as a health practitioner, working with people of all different ages, races, sex and religious backgrounds has taught me anything, it is that we are not robots. We do not all respond, perform, exist or react in the same way. There is no one diet, one exercise, one treatment that will work for all. We are unique – thankfully. Because, as nature should remind us, it is diversity, not uniformity which creates strength. Without diversity, without differences in skills, and ways of thinking, the evolution of the human species would not be where it is today.

When understanding the diversity of the human body, approaching any health challenge with a one-dimensional mindset is ultimately flawed from the outset.”


If an experience (i.e. trauma) is within our capacity to manage successfully, the body grows more competent and stronger.  If beyond our ability to integrate, and our coping mechanisms/strategies are overwhelmed we are forced to store the excess stress-energy as tension within the body. It can do this on various, and quite commonly, combined levels i.e. nerves, muscles, organs, and/or skeletal system.

Once stored this tension reduces our body’s capacity and resources for adapting to further stress from our environment. Our energy is used up working-around these tension patterns and our vitality, wellness and health is diminished. If these patterns persist skeletal and muscle imbalances develop, organ function and nerve system adaptability is affected and chronic health problems develop. 

Care at Heal is all about increasing your body’s’ capacity and resource. By helping you identify, connect to, and release tension in your body your innate intelligence flows more freely allowing your body to coordinate and heal itself.